Blemhiem Apricot in May

Blemhiem Apricot in May

Friday, June 3, 2016

Over the Wall

Husband and I went to visit someone and happened to notice fruit trees lining the side of someone's house. It was nice to be in the passenger seat for the ride and notice the different familiar leaves.

 From the looks of it it seems that the first tree is a pomegranate, then maybe a
citrus as they can really get light green, then a apple, then a peach, then a fig.....

Then an apple, another fig, another pomegranate.....

Then what looks like possibly an asian pear... I just got one and it is similar. Look at the leaves they are so round....

I thought you might appreciate the orchard that they have growing on the side of their home that from the looks of it is less then 8 feet wide. (Most of the side yards are 6 feet wide.)

There is always plenty of room for fruit trees!